Can You Nest Spring Boot Application Executions? (Nested Calls to run(…)?)
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Can You Nest Spring Boot Application Executions? (Nested Calls to run(…)?)

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If you’re a seasoned Spring Boot developer, you might have stumbled upon a scenario where you need to execute multiple application executions, either to test different configurations or to simulate complex workflows. The million-dollar question is: Can you nest Spring Boot application executions? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of nested application executions, exploring the possibilities and limitations of this approach.

What is Spring Boot Application Execution?

Before we dive into the nested execution conundrum, let’s quickly review what Spring Boot application execution entails. When you create a Spring Boot application, you typically define a main method that serves as the entry point for your application. This main method is responsible for creating and starting the Spring Boot application context, which in turn initializes and configures the various components and dependencies required by your application.

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

The method is the linchpin of Spring Boot application execution. It bootstraps the application, scans for components, and starts the application context.

Why Would You Want to Nest Spring Boot Application Executions?

There are several scenarios where nesting Spring Boot application executions might be desirable:

  • Testing multiple configurations**: You might want to test your application with different configurations, such as varying database settings, security configurations, or environment variables. Nesting application executions would allow you to run multiple tests with distinct configurations.
  • Simulating complex workflows**: Imagine you need to simulate a complex workflow involving multiple microservices or dependent applications. Nesting application executions could help you model and test these interactions more efficiently.
  • Dynamically configuring applications**: You might want to dynamically configure your application based on user input, environment variables, or other factors. Nested executions could enable you to create configurable applications that adapt to different scenarios.

The Short Answer: Can You Nest Spring Boot Application Executions?

The short answer is: **technically, yes**, but with significant caveats. While it is possible to nest Spring Boot application executions, it’s not a straightforward process, and there are several limitations and considerations to keep in mind.

The Long Answer: How to Nest Spring Boot Application Executions

To nest Spring Boot application executions, you can leverage the following strategies:

1. Using Multiple SpringApplication Instances

Create multiple instances of the SpringApplication class, each with its own configuration and settings. This approach allows you to execute multiple applications within the same JVM process.

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication app1 = new SpringApplication(MyAppConfig1.class);
        SpringApplication app2 = new SpringApplication(MyAppConfig2.class);;;

This approach has its limitations, as it can lead to resource conflicts and overlapping configurations.

2. Using EmbeddedServers

Spring Boot provides an EmbeddedServer interface that allows you to create an embedded server instance within your application. This approach enables you to execute multiple applications within separate server instances.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class MyTest {
    private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

    public void testNestedExecution() {
        EmbeddedServer server1 = new TomcatEmbeddedServer();
        EmbeddedServer server2 = new JettyEmbeddedServer();


        // Perform tests on server1 and server2

This approach requires careful configuration and management of the embedded servers to avoid resource conflicts.

3. Using External Processes

Another approach is to execute multiple Spring Boot applications as separate external processes, using the ProcessBuilder API or a process management library like Apache Commons Exec.

public class MyMain {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ProcessBuilder pb1 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-jar", "myapp1.jar");
        ProcessBuilder pb2 = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-jar", "myapp2.jar");

        Process process1 = pb1.start();
        Process process2 = pb2.start();

        // Wait for the processes to complete

This approach provides the most isolation between applications but can be resource-intensive and may require additional infrastructure setup.

Challenges and Considerations

When nesting Spring Boot application executions, you should be aware of the following challenges and considerations:

  • Resource conflicts**: Multiple applications executing within the same JVM process can lead to resource conflicts, such as port collisions or database connection issues.
  • Configuration overlap**: Applications might have overlapping configurations, leading to unexpected behavior or errors.
  • Performance and memory usage**: Nesting application executions can increase memory usage and slow down performance, especially with large applications.
  • Error handling and logging**: Nested applications may require customized error handling and logging mechanisms to avoid log pollution and ensure proper error propagation.


In conclusion, while it is technically possible to nest Spring Boot application executions, it’s essential to carefully evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of this approach. By understanding the various strategies and considerations outlined in this article, you can make informed decisions about when and how to nest Spring Boot application executions in your projects.

Approach Advantages Disadvantages
Multiple SpringApplication Instances Easiest to implement, allows for flexible configuration Resource conflicts, configuration overlap
EmbeddedServers Allows for separate server instances, easier resource management Requires careful configuration, may lead to resource conflicts
External Processes Provides highest isolation, allows for separate JVM instances Resource-intensive, requires additional infrastructure setup

Remember to weigh the benefits of nesting Spring Boot application executions against the potential challenges and limitations, and choose the approach that best suits your project’s needs.

Frequently Asked Question

Get to know the ins and outs of nesting Spring Boot application executions! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions about nested calls to run(…).

Can I nest Spring Boot application executions?

Yes, you can nest Spring Boot application executions! Spring Boot allows you to create multiple ApplicationContext instances, which enables you to have multiple, independent Spring Boot applications running within a single JVM. This means you can create a hierarchy of ApplicationContexts, where each child context is a separate application execution. However, be cautious when using this approach, as it can lead to complexity and performance issues if not managed properly.

How do I nest Spring Boot application executions?

To nest Spring Boot application executions, you need to create a new instance of the SpringApplication class and call its run() method for each nested execution. You can also use the SpringApplicationBuilder to create a new SpringApplication instance with a specific configuration. Additionally, you can use the.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext to create a new ApplicationContext instance and register the necessary beans.

What are the benefits of nesting Spring Boot application executions?

Nesting Spring Boot application executions provides several benefits, including: improved modularity, easier testing, and better resource management. By breaking down a large application into smaller, independent modules, you can develop, test, and deploy each module separately, reducing the complexity and overhead of the overall application. Additionally, you can tailor each module’s configuration to its specific needs, improving performance and resource usage.

Are there any limitations to nesting Spring Boot application executions?

Yes, there are some limitations to consider when nesting Spring Boot application executions. For instance, each nested execution requires a separate ApplicationContext instance, which can lead to increased memory consumption and slower startup times. Additionally, you need to ensure that each nested execution has its own, isolated configuration to avoid conflicts and override issues. Furthermore, debugging and error handling can become more complex with nested executions, so make sure you have a robust logging and error handling strategy in place.

When should I nest Spring Boot application executions?

You should nest Spring Boot application executions when you need to break down a large, complex application into smaller, independent modules that require separate configurations and resource management. This approach is particularly useful in microservices architecture, where each service is a separate application that needs to be developed, tested, and deployed independently. Additionally, nesting executions can be beneficial in scenarios where you need to create multiple, isolated environments for testing, staging, or production.

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