Mastering Abstract Classes in TypeORM: A Deep Dive into Defining Entities with Relations
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Mastering Abstract Classes in TypeORM: A Deep Dive into Defining Entities with Relations

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When it comes to building robust and scalable applications using TypeORM, understanding abstract classes is crucial. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to explore the concept of abstract classes in TypeORM, specifically when defining entities with relations. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the world of abstract classes and uncover the secrets to creating efficient and well-structured databases!

What are Abstract Classes in TypeORM?

In TypeORM, abstract classes are a way to define a blueprint for entities that share common characteristics. They provide a mechanism to extract shared functionality and properties into a single entity, making it easier to maintain and reuse code. Abstract classes are essentially classes that cannot be instantiated on their own and are meant to be inherited by other entities.

  import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';

  abstract class BaseEntity {
    id: number;

    createdAt: Date;

    updatedAt: Date;

In the example above, we’ve defined an abstract class called `BaseEntity`. This class has three properties: `id`, `createdAt`, and `updatedAt`. These properties are common to many entities in our application, so we’ve extracted them into a single class.

Why Use Abstract Classes in TypeORM?

Abstract classes offer several benefits when defining entities in TypeORM:

  • Code Reusability: By extracting shared functionality and properties into an abstract class, you can reuse code and reduce duplication.
  • Easier Maintenance: Abstract classes make it easier to maintain and update code, as changes can be made in a single place.
  • Improved Readability: Abstract classes promote better readability by encapsulating complex logic and making it easier to understand the structure of your entities.
  • Better Organization: Abstract classes help organize your code into a hierarchical structure, making it easier to navigate and understand.

Defining Entities with Relations using Abstract Classes

Now that we’ve covered the basics of abstract classes, let’s explore how to define entities with relations using abstract classes.

One-to-One Relations

In a one-to-one relation, one entity is associated with another entity. We can define a one-to-one relation using an abstract class as follows:

  import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, OneToOne } from 'typeorm';
  import { Address } from './Address.entity';

  abstract class UserBase {
    id: number;

    name: string;

  export class User extends UserBase {
    @OneToOne(() => Address)
    address: Address;

  export class Admin extends UserBase {
    @OneToOne(() => Address)
    address: Address;

In the example above, we’ve defined an abstract class `UserBase` that has two properties: `id` and `name`. We’ve then defined two concrete entities, `User` and `Admin`, that extend `UserBase`. Both `User` and `Admin` have a one-to-one relation with the `Address` entity.

One-to-Many Relations

In a one-to-many relation, one entity is associated with multiple entities. We can define a one-to-many relation using an abstract class as follows:

  import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, OneToMany } from 'typeorm';
  import { Order } from './Order.entity';

  abstract class CustomerBase {
    id: number;

    name: string;

    @OneToMany(() => Order, (order) => order.customer)
    orders: Order[];

  export class Customer extends CustomerBase {}

In the example above, we’ve defined an abstract class `CustomerBase` that has two properties: `id` and `name`. We’ve also defined a one-to-many relation with the `Order` entity. The `Customer` entity extends `CustomerBase` and inherits the one-to-many relation.

Many-to-Many Relations

In a many-to-many relation, multiple entities are associated with multiple entities. We can define a many-to-many relation using an abstract class as follows:

  import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, ManyToMany } from 'typeorm';
  import { Product } from './Product.entity';

  abstract class TagBase {
    id: number;

    name: string;

    @ManyToMany(() => Product, (product) => product.tags)
    products: Product[];

  export class Tag extends TagBase {}

In the example above, we’ve defined an abstract class `TagBase` that has two properties: `id` and `name`. We’ve also defined a many-to-many relation with the `Product` entity. The `Tag` entity extends `TagBase` and inherits the many-to-many relation.

Best Practices for Using Abstract Classes in TypeORM

When using abstract classes in TypeORM, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Keep it Simple: Avoid complex logic and business rules in abstract classes. Instead, focus on defining common properties and relations.
  2. Use Meaningful Names: Choose meaningful names for your abstract classes and entities. This will make it easier to understand the structure of your code.
  3. Avoid Over-Engineering: Don’t over-engineer your abstract classes. Keep them simple and focused on the task at hand.
  4. Test Thoroughly: Test your abstract classes and entities thoroughly to ensure they’re working as expected.


In conclusion, abstract classes in TypeORM are a powerful tool for defining entities with relations. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can create efficient, scalable, and well-structured databases. Remember to keep it simple, use meaningful names, avoid over-engineering, and test thoroughly.

With TypeORM and abstract classes, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re building a simple blog or a complex enterprise application, abstract classes will help you create a robust and maintainable database.

Abstract Classes in TypeORM: A Summary
Benefit Description
Code Reusability Abstract classes promote code reusability by extracting shared functionality and properties.
Easier Maintenance Abstract classes make it easier to maintain and update code, as changes can be made in a single place.
Improved Readability Abstract classes promote better readability by encapsulating complex logic and making it easier to understand the structure of your entities.
Better Organization Abstract classes help organize your code into a hierarchical structure, making it easier to navigate and understand.

We hope this article has provided a comprehensive guide to using abstract classes in TypeORM when defining entities with relations. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Unlock the secrets of abstract classes in TypeORM when defining entities with relations!

What is the purpose of abstract classes in TypeORM when defining entities with relations?

Abstract classes in TypeORM serve as a blueprint for entities that share common properties and relations. They enable you to define a base entity that can be extended by other entities, promoting code reuse and reducing duplication. By using abstract classes, you can create a hierarchical structure for your entities, making it easier to manage complex relationships between them.

How do I define an abstract class in TypeORM?

To define an abstract class in TypeORM, you need to use the `@AbstractEntity()` decorator on the class. This tells TypeORM that the class is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated on its own. You can then define properties and relations on the abstract class, which will be inherited by any entities that extend it.

Can I use abstract classes to define relationships between entities?

Yes, you can use abstract classes to define relationships between entities. By defining a relationship on an abstract class, you can establish a common relationship pattern that will be inherited by all entities that extend the abstract class. This helps to ensure consistency and reduce code duplication when defining relationships between entities.

Do I need to use abstract classes for all entities with relations?

No, you don’t need to use abstract classes for all entities with relations. Abstract classes are useful when you have a group of entities that share a common set of properties and relations. If an entity has a unique set of properties and relations, you can define it as a standalone entity without using an abstract class.

How do I extend an abstract class to create a new entity in TypeORM?

To extend an abstract class and create a new entity in TypeORM, you need to create a new class that extends the abstract class using the `extends` keyword. You can then add or override properties and relations as needed to define the new entity. TypeORM will automatically recognize the new entity and its relationships with other entities.