Flutter Web on Linux: Numpad Issues? We’ve Got the Fix!
Image by Ashe - hkhazo.biz.id

Flutter Web on Linux: Numpad Issues? We’ve Got the Fix!

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The Problem: Unresponsive Numpad Keys

Are you tired of trying to develop a Flutter web application on Linux, only to find that your numpad keys are unresponsive? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this frustrating issue, which can hinder productivity and slow down development. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the fix, let’s understand what’s causing this issue. When you run a Flutter web application on Linux, the numpad keys (0-9, +, -, *, /, ., etc.) don’t respond as expected. This is because the Linux operating system has a different keyboard layout and mapping compared to Windows or macOS. As a result, the default key mappings in Flutter don’t work as intended.

Solution 1: Disable NumLock

A simple yet effective solution is to disable the NumLock key on your keyboard. This can be done using the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal on your Linux system.
  2. Type the command xmodmap -e "keycode 77 = " and press Enter.
  3. Restart your terminal or refresh your Flutter application.

This will disable the NumLock key, allowing you to use the numpad keys as intended. However, this solution has its limitations, as it disables the NumLock key altogether.

Solution 2: Use the `keyboard_key` Property

A more elegant solution is to use the `keyboard_key` property in your Flutter code. This property allows you to specify the keyboard key that should be triggered when a particular widget is focused.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class NumpadFix extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: TextField(
            decoration: InputDecoration(
              border: OutlineInputBorder(),
            keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
            keyboardKey: KeyCode.numpad0, // or KeyCode.numpad1, KeyCode.numpad2, etc.

In this example, we’re using the `keyboardKey` property to specify that the numpad0 key should be triggered when the `TextField` is focused. You can replace `KeyCode.numpad0` with any other numpad key code that you need.

Solution 3: Use a Custom Key Mapper

For a more comprehensive solution, you can create a custom key mapper that maps the Linux keyboard layout to the Flutter key codes. This involves creating a custom keyboard layout file and loading it into your Flutter application.

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

class CustomKeyMapper {
  static final Map _keyMap = {
    96: LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad0,
    97: LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad1,
    98: LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad2,
    // Add more key mappings as needed

  static void loadKeyMap() {
    final Keyboard-KeyMapper mapper = KeyboardKeyMapper();

In this example, we’re creating a custom key mapper that maps the Linux keyboard layout to the Flutter key codes. We’re using a `Map` to store the key mappings, where the key is the Linux key code and the value is the corresponding Flutter key code. We can then load this key mapper into our Flutter application using the `loadKeyMap` method.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you overcome numpad issues in Flutter web on Linux:

  • Use the `KeyboardKey` enum to specify the keyboard key that should be triggered. For example, `KeyCode.numpadAdd` can be used to specify the + key on the numpad.
  • Use the `TextInputClient` class to listen for keyboard events and react accordingly. For example, you can use the `onKeyDown` event to detect when the user presses a numpad key.
  • Use a third-party library such as `keyboard_ event` to handle keyboard events more easily.


In conclusion, dealing with numpad issues in Flutter web on Linux can be a challenge, but there are several solutions and workarounds available. By understanding the underlying issue, using the `keyboard_key` property, creating a custom key mapper, or using additional tips and tricks, you can overcome this issue and develop a seamless and productive Flutter web application on Linux.

Solution Description Pros Cons
Disable NumLock Disables the NumLock key on the keyboard Simple to implement Disables the NumLock key altogether
Use `keyboard_key` property Specifies the keyboard key that should be triggered Elegant solution Limited to specific widgets
Use custom key mapper Maps Linux keyboard layout to Flutter key codes Comprehensive solution Requires custom implementation

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive solution to overcome numpad issues in Flutter web on Linux. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got stuck with Flutter web on Linux due to numpad issues? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why is my numpad not working in Flutter web on Linux?

This is a known issue in Flutter web on Linux, where the numpad keys are not recognized by default. It’s due to the way Linux handles keyboard events. Fear not, we’ve got a solution for you! You can try using the `RawKeyboard` API to capture the numpad events, or use a third-party package that provides numpad support.

How do I capture numpad events in Flutter web on Linux?

You can use the `RawKeyboard` API to capture numpad events. You’ll need to listen to the `rawKeyEvent` stream and check for the `keyCode` property to determine which numpad key was pressed. For example, `KeyCode.NUMPAD_ADD` corresponds to the `+` key on the numpad.

Are there any third-party packages that support numpad on Flutter web for Linux?

Yes, there are! You can try using packages like `linux_keyboard` or `numpad_ listener` which provide numpad support for Flutter web on Linux. These packages provide an easier way to capture numpad events, so you don’t have to handle the low-level `RawKeyboard` API.

Will the numpad issue be fixed in future versions of Flutter?

The Flutter team is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. However, there’s no official timeline for when the fix will be released. In the meantime, you can use the workarounds mentioned above to get your numpad working on Flutter web for Linux.

Can I contribute to the fix for the numpad issue on Flutter web for Linux?

Yes, absolutely! The Flutter project is open-source, and contributions are welcome. You can check out the Flutter GitHub repository, find the relevant issue, and start working on a fix. Who knows, you might just become a hero to the Flutter community!